Ely4Off works out its first Business Development Plan with the support of the European Commission

The partners of the project have celebrated a Workshop at the headquarters of the Aragon Hydrogen Foundation, Huesca, in a key meeting about the feasible Business Development Plan in the Ely4Off under the direction of an expert in the field

Partners visiting the new photovoltaic installation at th FHa facilities for the ELY4OFF project

The European Commission grants a special service to the projects with good prospects for the future, called Business Development Plan. Ely4Off has been the only one to obtain this service, in which an expert from the Commission on Exploitable Business Results has helped the partners to draw up a plan of action appropriate to the project during a seminar held on November 15 in the facilities of the Foundation.

During an intense and fruitful day, the partners, among which are two SMEs (EPIC Power, and ITM-POWER) and a large company (INYCOM), have held a continuous brainstorming conference in which different topics have been discussed, such as product positioning, advantages over competitors, risks analysis, market sizes, unique selling points and the application of Lean Canvas model.

The experience will serve to strengthen the economic objectives and business plans that are expected in a project with

the interesting projection of Ely4Off.

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